Yet another surgery this week

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday we went to get Mia's pick line put in. They did an ultrasound of her veins and couldn't find one large enough to support it. Today, we had a pre-op appointment at yale. She will be getting a port put in. It will be an access type thing that looks like a cap underneath her skin. They will be able to access it once a week, taking the access out on weekends so she can swim and shower. I have spoke with a few people who said that this was awesome, she will barely know its there. Only downfall is that it has to be surgically implanted and removed. This child is pretty much fed up with getting put to sleep only to wake up in pain. We don't know when this surgery will be, but it will be this week. The pediatric oncolgist wants to start treatment on Monday 6/23 so hopefully we can this in gear.

On a happier note, Rachel enjoyed her last day of school with a traditional pizza party capped off with huge ice cream sundaes. Following the last bus ride of the year, she met up with friends at one of the best pool parties of the MILLENIUM! 40+ kids attended and without incident! I think it was super awesome of the Motasky family to host such a cool party. Pretty brave too.

I am in desperate need of sleep but that Wii is just calling my name....anyone want to pimp my ride?