Real Athletes Wear Skirts

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What started off as a groggy morning, turned out to be absolutely wonderful! Mia and Rachel got to play at Casagrande Field today, and it was way cool! They had a snack bar, a bathroom (with running water), and announcers! WOOHOO!! Mia played her last game of the season, though there is actually one game left. She played about 2 innings and got really tired. Not bad for a little girl who just had surgery on Friday. There was also a little boy who had broken his leg and he played too. He batted while sitting in a green wagon. His dad pulled him along to run bases and play the field. We had more injured players than the pro's. It's all fun and games until you jump off a couch and break your leg!!! It was truly a wonderful game day. After a while Mia was done for. So daddy gave her the best seat in the house....